Saturday, November 26, 2011

Arguments Against the Use of Standardized Testing

There’s no point in hoping that standardized testing will go away.  However, being aware of the potential problems can help students, parents and teachers mitigate the worst effects.  This article discusses the ways testing can hurt more than help.

Exactly What Math is Needed for the SAT?

Nearly every college-bound high school sudent takes the SAT in the spring of their junior year.  You should be thinking about it LONG before that, however.  This article is a 'laundry list' of the Math you should prepare. 

Why so MUCH Standardized Testing?

These days students take so many standardized tests.  Beginning of the year.  End of the year. Qualifying. Placement. Quarterly Progress.  Someone must think them important enough to justify the considerable cost of creating and scoring them and the time it takes to administer them. This article looks at some of the advantages these tests provide.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Teacher's Ramblings: This Is Why I Teach

I am a teacher.  I've taught college, high school, and adult school.  I'd never want to be anything else.  In this installment of my ramblings I talk about why.

College Writing: An Outline of Outlines

You simply can't write without an outline.  No, seriously.  For one thing, how else do you know when you're done?   Whether we structure it the way our English Teacher taught us, or just hold it in our heads, we outline. This article takes a bird's eye view of a great outline.

From the Tutor: 12 Things You Need to Know About Bullying

Bullying exists in nearly every school in every city, village and town.  Everyone knows that.  But here are some things about bullying every parent, school administrator and teacher should know.

6 Things Parents Can Do to Help a Child Through Trauma

As a private tutor I am often a part of the path to recovery for a traumatized kid.  In this article I offer advice to parents on what to expect and how to respond.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

4 Things to Look at OTHER than Your Child's Standardized Test Scores

Standardized testing has been a mainstay of education since the 1960’s, and it seems to be here to stay.  But SHOULD it?  CAN a standardized test really tell you how well your child is learning?  Could you do without these tests completely?  This article describes some alternatives to business as usual.