Friday, December 2, 2011

Every business owner knows what they want from their efforts: clients, cash flow and profit!  Marketing has a significant part to play in reaching those goals.  This is a look into what a business can realistically expect from a well designed web presence.

How Reliable Are Intelligence Tests?

From my dictionary: re·li·a·ble, adj- that may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty.  This article looks at IQ tests in terms of reliability.

From the SAT Expert: SAT Cheating – Long Island and Beyond

Nearly a year ago, members of the faculty at Great Neck North High School on Long Island in New York State heard rumors of students paying others to take the SAT for them. Sadly, it appears that there was truth to those rumors. To date, twenty persons have been arrested: four test-takers and sixteen student-clients who paid them to take the test in their stead. This article looks at reactions to this story.